Fire & Grace School of Ministry is a Holy Spirit-filled “bootcamp” for dedicated Christians who feel called to ministry in these last days. The goal of FGSM is to raise up strong disciples of Jesus Christ by teaching sound Biblical theology and offering training in practical ministry. At FGSM students will be equipped to preach the true gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ one-on-one, in the pulpit, and on the street. They will be trained to seek and depend on the power of the Holy Spirit and to recognize and stand against the Satanic lies and deceptions that are accepted by most of the Church today. Students will also receive in-depth teaching in demonology/deliverance, end-times Bible prophecy and the true nature of God’s creation as revealed in the Bible.

A Bootcamp for Serious Christians

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman
that needeth not to be
ashamed, rightly dividing the
word of truth."